"I agree, do they give this same lattitude to other religions, like the Catholics? If not, isn't that not only being hyper-critical of them, but also hypocritical?"
The catholics are critisized for their interference in gonverment affairs and their responsibility for numerous wars, as are man other religious institutes. Jehovah's Witnesses do not get involved in these things and *do* remain neutral. I certainly wouldn't penalise an individual in any organisation for believing the doctrines of their religion whether those doctrines are misguided or not. Remember that the people at the top are individuals too and so their interpretation of scripture is as much their own as the person at the bottom.
"Different scenario.. If you KNOW that something is wrong, but you teach it anyway, you are responsible for the wrong teaching.. If I taught you how to make an atom bomb, and you decided to go out and kill someone, yeah, I'd feel guilty.. However, if I knew that you were going to use it to kill someone, I would feel responsible if I taught it to you...
If I teach you that commiting murder is ok, even though I personally do not believe it is ok, then not only have I committed a gross sin against god for teaching you to murder, but I've also committed a gross sin against god for going against my own conscience! "
Why do you believe that the GB KNOW that what they are saying is wrong when they teach it? Jehovah's witnesses don't kill people either. They *do* try to promote a higher moral sense. Just because someone is limited in their perception, doesn't mean that they have malcious intent. Neither do I believe that Jehovah God would hold the GB responsible for teaching something wrong. He would only hold them responsible for directing them away from God... which I certainly don't think they do.
"I agree with you, yet I get the impression that many JW's do not agree with this statement.. They follow the F&DS blindly! I'm sure there has been at least one thing that the F&DS has stated that you do not completely agree with. In that case, did you 'lay down' and follow the man made policy, or did you just ignore it? And did you teach it?"
(what does F&DS stand for?) I've never followed man made policy unless it fitted in with my own scriptural knowledge. My own knowledge expands and my agreement with policies and other perceptions changes with study. I again don't believe anyone should aggrevate someone for following a policy which they believe to be true. What should be identified as wrong though is whether or not we ourselves are studying enough to ensure that the ideas we follow are correct.
"Thank you for your answers, I guess the reason I was asking is because I have a very hard time understanding how someone can see that the organiztation is NOT directed by god (Not inspired), yet hang on and follow every word the GB says, even if it means their life or the life of their child (blood issue, for example).. "
I do not hang on every word the GB says. I think that has been made evident so far. The blood issue, to me, is quite clear however. I do not follow the GB on that, I follow the bible.
"Do you believe that the organization is god' s sole channel of communication here on Earth as they claim to be? "
I believe the *bible* is the sole channel of communication by God. Anything thoughts beyond that would depend on whether or not I percieve those as being in harmony with God's spirit.
Which brings me to my second point.
What is Holy Spirit?
It is the opposite of the spirit of the world. It is the essence of Jehovah's personality manifested by the direction of his will. If something is done in God's spirit then it is something he would agree with. Jesus is a perfect reflection of God's spirit in that he never did anything which God would see as unfit. His thoughts we're in total harmony with God's thoughts. Today we can manifest a godly spirit or obtain Holy Spirit by imitating christ.
I do not believe that spirit is synonomous with Power. Nor do I believe it to be a mystical "wind" which nobody can quite put their finger on as to what that actually is.
In summary and in answer to ugg and searchforthetruth the elders are spirit appointed only as far as those who offer them a position of oversight have done so in imitation of christ and looked for the christ like qualities within that individual. If the elders or the GB appoint a peaodophile as an overseer, then they have either failed to apply God's Spirit or they are evidenceing their lack of telepathic ability.
They are only human after all.
Visionary Man